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John Mathers Competition

Studying at college really gave me amazing opportunities for myself and my business. For me I did not want to go to Uni to continue studying, I was more drawn to the business side of jewellery and becoming my own boss as soon as possible.

Luckily I had the amazing opportunity to take my business further and faster than I would have imagined by winning the John Mather's Trust Competition.

This was a competition held in my college, John Mather was a local Glaswegian who when sadly past left a substancial amount of money and wanted this money to be used for students to start their own lives.

To win to competition we had three stages:

1. Write a breakdown of costs and a small brief about out business 2. Write a 1500 word business plan including financials 3. Enter a one minute vide pitch

As a jeweller there is times that I get frustrated with my work, this is human nature. Although after making the one minute video pitch I can now safely say I have 50+ videos on my computer of me going 'Hello, my name is.... ARGHHH''

But in the end it didn't matter, all my frustration, all the tiring nights, even the fact I had made a playlist of 'Spirit building songs' and listened to it constantly.. It all didn't matter because when the email came through saying I had won. Well I would like to say that I cried, instead I stood in the same spot for twenty minutes!

The John Mather's Trust Competition made Pop Up Jewellery Ltd become more than an idea, made it become more than a hobby, it help it become a reality. To me it is insane to think that John Mather does not know how many lives he has actually changed.


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